
Image result for hamlet

This has been a year of lasts, as well as a portfolio of lasts, so I figured I should keep up the trend. With that being said, the last post I am going to make for my final portfolio is the last show that I am going to go see at Chicago Shakespeare Theater with the Humanities class, which was Hamlet. This follows the story of a man whose father has died, and in turn his uncle decides to marry his mother, which is a pretty bold move. Overall, this play was pretty good, as it had a solid plot with bits of comic relief sprinkled throughout. The talk back at the end was also super cool, as we were the only school that actually stayed for it which made it feel like a much more personal experience. Also, big shout out to Karen, who played Gertrude, Hamlets mother. In the talk back, she just seemed like such a genuine and wholesome lady and I loved her, and I hope shes doing well.

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